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How to relieve stress after quitting your job

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Read Time:12 Minute, 52 Second

Quitting your job can be one of the most scariest things to do.

Especially if there are many things to consider when making the decision to do so.

Some of the reasons that can be making you think twice about your decision could be…

  • the need to take care of your family + kids
  • afraid of judgement from others
  • afraid of starting fresh and starting a new chapter
  • afraid of leaving what’s familiar
  • afraid of leaving your comfort zone
  • afraid of the unknown
  • afraid of the things that could go wrong
  • afraid of loosing your financial stability
  • etc…

There are endless of reasons as to why you don’t want to let go of your job but if you came to this post then I assume you already had built up the courage to do so…

However, now you’re going through a lot of stress and anxiety from making this final decision.

So many people react differently from quitting a job…

Some will feel relief.

Some will feel excitement and freedom.

Some will also feel stress and anxiety.

Some may even feel all of this at once… Which was the case for me.

And really and truly your feelings can differ based on what kind of job you’re leaving.

Today we will be discussing the best things to do to relieve some stress and anxiety after quitting your job to help you move on happily and to not feel regret from letting your job go because let’s be honest if you built up the courage to leave a job even though you were afraid to do so, you must have been really unhappy with the job…

Go For A Long Walk:

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Now, I know this is the most annoying thing to hear, I feel like whenever someone says they don’t feel good people will just say “just go for a walk” and so I understand that you’re thinking this is the most basic tip EVER.


But this is my most honest and helpful tip for feeling better.

Most importantly, taking walks is what helps clear your mind.

Whenever, my mind gets too cluttered with everyone else’s thoughts and opinions, I get to a very low point where I feel mentally drained from thinking too much.

I get so sick from repeating everyone’s different opinions in my head that I wish I could shut my brain off from thinking because I just want to focus on my own thoughts and focus on what I want.


Going for long walks helps me have time to my self, it gets me out of my bed where I do all of the overthinking and when I go for a walk my brain is more clear.

Walking with just the sounds of nature and away from everyone helps me answer the most difficult questions.

One of those questions being “what do I want”, I imagine if there wasn’t anyone giving me their opinions, which direction would I take?

If my final decision depended on flipping a coin, which decision would I be more upset about not being able to follow based on what the coin decided?

These were the questions that will go through my head during this walk.

Questions that make the decision I need to make clear.

And I know most of you already went through the process of making your final decision and so this tip doesn’t seem to apply to you but after quitting a job it can be so easy for the mind to get cluttered with all the different thoughts and opinions of others.

Including your own thoughts and self doubts.

There’s that feeling there that things might go wrong with this decision, a feeling of worry, a feeling that everyone is judging, a feeling that you’re not good enough for anything else etc…

Once these feelings start to arise the best thing to do is to get out of that headspace.

Go for a long walk and pretend as if you’re running away from everything you’re thinking about, when you go for a walk let the sounds of nature sink in.

Maybe even listen to some meditation or affirmation videos on youtube. There’s a lot of meditation videos you can find that will help you clear the mind and it’s even better when you’re listening to it while walking.

You will feel such relief after this and you’re free to do so at anytime.

Whenever the mind gets too cluttered go outside and be with nature. You will see that the world is much larger and that there is so much more out there then just that very tiny space in your head that are only filled with negative thoughts and opinions.

Let this walk free you from everyone’s negative judgements… including yours!

Listen To Positive Affirmations:

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To add on to the point I made earlier, listening to positive affirmations can also be extremely helpful when it comes to relieving some stress and anxiety after quitting a job.

But most importantly it helps with getting rid of all your negative thoughts and energy when leaving a job…

I remember when I left my stressful healthcare job for a job that I was more passionate about (a job with more freedom), I was dealing with a lot of negativity that had led me to feel anxious and stressed after actually quitting.

For me it was more stressful and scary then the actual quitting part (which I didn’t think would happen).

I thought I would feel free and happy afterwards but no…

Although I did feel some excitement and some freedom, it was hard to be 100% confident mainly because the process of leaving my job was mentally and emotionally hard. I was very confident with my decision but after the few words my ex-boss had said to me, I felt like I was being selfish and I felt like a horrible person for wanting to leave.

I started to let the words get into my head (something I struggle with) and from being absolutely excited and feeling like I absolutely deserve happiness, all of those feelings turned around into thinking I am not worthy and that I am in fact selfish.

All the negative words and opinions from others just really started getting to me that I couldn’t feel excited for this new job that I have been waiting for.

I started to feel like I was making the most outrageous and horrible decision and to just simplify it, I felt like holy sh*t, I f*cked up…

This was a job that was stable and this was a job that had workers who treated me like family…

I started to feel like a horrible person for leaving this behind.

But when I look back to what I’ve been feeling for last few months, I wasn’t happy. I thought I was but if I am constantly imagining my self doing something else then I am not as happy as I think.

I asked my self would I be feeling this way, would I be feeling like sh*t if people didn’t say these things and the answer is NO!

No, I wouldn’t be feeling like the world is over and that I f*cked up my life. If it wasn’t for other people’s opinions about me, I wouldn’t be feeling this way.

I would be feeling good about chasing what I want to do with my life. Chasing happiness.

That’s when I started to realize that I am just letting people’s words get to me and choosing to soak in their negativity. That’s what they want so why should I listen?

I am focussing too much on the negative when there is so much positive.

I decided I just need a way to get out of the negative words stuck in my head and so I knew listening to positive affirmations will be the key to this issue.

Listening to positive affirmations will always be my go to when it comes to relieving self-doubt, stress and anxiety.

Most importantly, it helps me release negativity.

I remember before discovering affirmations, I was a very negative person.

Every single thought in my head was negative whether it was someone else’s negative thoughts about me that got stuck in my head or whether it was my own negative thoughts about my self, everything I ever thought or felt was negative.

Having other people’s negative opinions or thoughts stuck in my head 24/7 made me believe and act upon those words. Therefore, it was hard for me to live my life based on my own thoughts and feelings.

When I discovered affirmations especially the ones for self-love, I noticed a huge change within my self after listening to them.

I guess it’s the fact that I always depend on others to make me feel like I am a good person, that I am making the right decision and that I am worthy of success etc..

But the truth is, you can’t depend on others and wait for people to say these things to you in order to feel good about yourself. Sometimes you don’t really have people to do that for you.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t say these positive things to yourself to feel better. In fact, saying these things to yourself instead of having other people do it for you is a more rewarding feeling.

At the end of the day you shouldn’t depend on others to make you feel better, you can do that yourself and once you realize that you have the power to do so, you realize you start to feel unstoppable because at any time you feel down, you have yourself to make you feel better.

You will stop relying on others.

So, whenever you start to feel like your mind is getting to cluttered with negativity (which is what’s making you feel anxiety and stress from quitting your job) go to youtube and search positive affirmations.

Listen to them while you sleep, while you walk, while you’re cleaning, listen to them whenever you need to and you will see the transformation of your mindset.

You will stop believing in the negative which is…

“I am not good enough”

“I will never find another job like this”

“I am not capable of something better in life”

“I made a terrible decision”

“Nothing ever goes my way” etc…

Watch yourself transform those thoughts into…

“I am good enough”

“I will find a job that’s better than my old one”

“I am capable of something better in life”

“I trust that I made the right decision and that no matter what happens, I will be okay”

“Everything that happens to me is for the better”

Your whole mood will transform just by listening to positive affirmations. The key is to believe in them.

If you don’t believe in these words just yet, keep repeating them to yourself until you do believe in them!

Take A Trip To The Water:

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One of the most rejuvenating feeling I experienced was when I took a walk to the nearest lake bright and early with my dog.

Before this, I was feeling so burnt out. I had just quit my job, I wasn’t sure if it was the right decision and people’s negative words had got into my head and I needed an escape.

At this point, I was feeling like the world was against me and I haven’t felt like that in a while.

I just felt like nothing I do and try makes me happy and that I am just meant to live my life settling for what’s “good enough” and what’s going to give me “financial stability”, I was so close to just giving up and so close to just believing the fact that I won’t find my calling and that it just doesn’t exist for some people.

I was feeling so lost, anxious, regretful, stressed, tired and drained…

I knew I needed an escape and I knew how much I love being by water and so I got up early in the morning and took a walk to the lake with my dog.

Right when I got there, I felt an instant relief and a instant feeling of serenity.

Something about seeing the blue water, the view of my city, the sun glistening on the water and hearing the sounds of the birds chirping, the leaves on the trees being pushed back and forth from the wind, the sound of the waves, it just all calmed my mind immediately.

For quite some time I haven’t been able to just feel at peace with my self. My job was stressful in the way where it was limiting my freedom to work on self-care.

I felt free and I felt extremly grateful.

I started to realize all the things to be grateful for.

Aside from the fact that I had quit my job and left in a emotional state where I was anxious of what’s to come next, as I look at the view of the water with the sun beaming on my face, I sensed a huge feeling of gratitude because I came to realize that my new job will allow me to do this all the time.

My new job gives me freedom and it allows me to be my creative self. Which is all I ever wanted and so when I look at my situation, I am really just winning in life and all the hard obstacles I had to go through had to happen to bring me here.

I may have wasted time studying different career paths and wasted time doing things that didn’t make me happy but all that matters is that those things happened to guide me to what will make me happy.

Everything happens for a reason.

The point I am trying to make here is that everyone will feel burnt out, everyone will experience a feeling of confusion when it comes to what we want to do with our life.

We will never know the right answer to everything, including what the next steps should be in our life but all we can do is trust our gut and keep moving forward.

You must let all the worry go and trust that what ever happens is for the greater good.

No one has answers to every question but that doesn’t mean we should live in worry and constantly think negative.

Life is too short to think negative all the time.

Whenever you start to feel burnt out and whenever you start to worry about life.

Take a trip to the nearest lake, beach, pond etc…

Simply just be surrounded by nature and it will open your eyes to the many things to be grateful for.

Sit there and just be grateful of simply just being able to witness the scenery.

You are here right here right now, you can do whatever makes you happy and for that you should forget about all the worries and completely let them go.

While you sit or stand by the water, tell yourself the many things to be grateful for. Big or small, tell yourself all the things that you have right now to be grateful for.

You will feel so much peace and forget about all the worry you may have been carrying for a while.

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