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How To Know If Someone Is Trying To Ruin Your Relationship

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If you’re clicking on to this post because you have a feeling that someone is trying to take your man or woman but you’re not sure if you’re right or just going crazy…

Then I can assure you that this post is for you!

I’d first like to say that it’s totally normal that you feel like you’re completely loosing it. There are reasons for you to be feelings this way.

And the source of all the reasons stems from the person that is out to ruin your relationship for their benefit and unfortunately it can even be someone who is super close with you and someone who you believe wouldn’t do such a thing. I know it’s hard to believe but it definitely does happen!

And the crazy thing is that since they’re close to you they will take advantage of the fact that you trust them because they think that you’re too blind to see their toxic and inappropriate actions.

If you are still to hesitant to believe, I feel you and so take a look at some of the signs I am about to mention now and see if you relate to them…

If the person who you believe is after your partner does some of these things then I can assure you they have some bad intentions.

Sign #1: The Person Always Try’s To Make You Look Bad

For the purpose of this post, I will be referring the person who is after your partner the “Antagonist” because of the fact they’re the antagonist of your relationship right now.

And so have you ever experienced a situation or multiple situations where the antagonist tried to make you look bad?

Let’s say you and your partner are having a completely normal conversation with the antagonist present and out of NO WHERE they bring up something to make you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed and you’re curious as to why this person would bring it up.

Their goal is to make you look as bad as you could possibly look in front of your partner because they think that by doing this your partner would be less attracted to you.

I will share an experience I had with you all to solely just explain this better and unfortunately this is a true story that made me super upset but now I just look back and laugh at the fact of how in denial I was at that very moment.

One time I was having a conversation with my boyfriend and a girl we were friends with. This girl was closer friends with my boyfriend than me but I don’t exactly remember what we were talking about but it was just a regular conversation that involved us just catching up NOTHING ABOUT ME! and this girl decided to ask me a question and that question was “why do you always wear crop tops, you should cover up more” and while she asks this she pulls my shirt down to cover my belly.

Now you may think nothing of this situation but this person has never asked me that when it would just be the two of us talking. IN FACT she would compliment me and tell me that I look good. She only decided to ask this when my boyfriend was next to me and not only that! She had also asked after as to why I wear fake eyelashes. She specifically said “Why do you wear fake lashes, you’re so beautiful without them”.

At the time, I felt super embarrassed and uncomfortable. Not at the fact that I was worried about what my bf may think of me. But I was uncomfortable in the way that I was put on a spotlight because of how I like to dress. It made me feel like I was being judged when I had never said anything bad to this girl.

But as you can see here, the goal behind these comments are a very smart way for the antagonist to make the girl/boy look bad in front of their partner but in a way that they don’t look like the bad guy.

Because of the fact that she said “you’re so beautiful without them” makes my bf and even me believe that she’s just admiring my natural beauty. But she still had tried to make me look bad by saying why do you dress like this and why do you do that?

And I’ve seen many people who are in a happy relationships go through this where there’s an outsider trying to say anything negative towards the guy or girl they are jealous of solely because of the fact that they are trying to steal their partner. They are trying to dim the light that is shining on you so that they can feel just a bit of the spotlight.

Sign #2: They Act Innocent

Ever mention to anybody especially your partner about the negative energy you are getting from a person and they tell you “what? she/he would never do that! She/he is such a nice person and even says great things about you!”


This is because the antagonist is smart and knows if they were to say what they are truly thinking which are only bad things, that would expose their true intentions.

But if the antagonist carefully watches what he/she says by only saying positive things, no one will ever expect that the antagonist to be a bad person.

Ever just see the antagonist just act so different towards you and give you an impression that they are feeling spiteful of you? or do you ever just feel like you’re being judged the entire time you speak with them but everyone else around you thinks that the antagonist is a complete angel?

Yup, I can assure you that it is because this person is very smart and this is exactly what their plan is. To look like a angel to the people you are close to and so when you ever suspect anything, the people around you will be the one to tell you that you’re wrong.

Isn’t it weird to see that your partner and friends say the phrase “they say so much great things about you!” so frequently? What kind of person says so much good things about you but never once did you hear them say those “things” to you. Why do they compliment you so much and talk so much about you to the people who are close to you but when you talk to the antagonist one on one its nothing like that.

If he/she truly thinks you’re that great and if he/she truly liked you as a person they would say it to you not just your partner and your close friends.

This will also make you feel like you’re going crazy. You might even ask yourself “am I just over thinking it, what if he/she is genuinely a nice person?” this is because of the fact that everyone around you gets the totally different side of the antagonist.

This is what they want because now you will get upset that no one believes you and you might even blow up on your partner and friends for thinking that you’re crazy for being out to get the antagonist and once the antagonist sees this side of you. They will feel like a winner because now you look even more crazy in front of your partner for thinking that such a “innocent” girl/boy is out to ruin your relationship and who will be there to possibly console your partner? Yup, that’s right the most innocent person your partner knows.

Sign #3: They bring up your partner in conversations

Another big sign a person is out to get your man/woman is when they bring your partner up in conversations.

I know this is obvious but sometimes we are so in denial what someone’s true intentions are. It is so hard for some of us to believe this person is being shady.

But its just how they bring it up and what they say that can really show what this person’s true intentions are because some people of course like to bring up your partner to see how you are doing with your relationship which is totally fine.

But ever have someone mention your partner in your conversation to get a rise out of you.

Let me give an example.

Say you are having a normal conversation with the antagonist and smartly the way she/he brings up the conversation with your partner is by asking “how are you and ______?” and so you answer and the antagonist says “Oh funny story I saw your partner at the store talking with someone! Don’t worry it’s probably just a friend but I just find it so funny that I saw them there!”

This right here is them trying to start a fight between the two of you. What makes it worse is when they say “don’t worry it’s probably just a friend” and the true story may just be your partner just talking to a friend but the way the antagonist says this triggers something in your brain to think of the worse possible scenario.

So now you act out and start a fight with your partner even though it was probably not how the antagonist put it out to be.

Someone who is after your partner will always bring up something to cause a fight between the two of you because they want you guys to separate. But they will never bring it up so obviously.

Yes this person could possibly just genuinely care about you and just doesn’t want this person to treat you badly (this could also be used as an excuse so that you don’t believe that they are after your partner)…

But someone who really cares about you would say straight up look b*tch I think your man/woman is being shady and here’s why so be careful. They would not say “OHHHHH, HAHA FUNNY STORY I SAW YOUR PARTNER FLIRTING WITH SOMEONE HAHA, DON’T WORRY THOUGH!”

Someone who genuinely cares about you and your relationship and who is supportive will not want to see you guys get into an argument all the time. They will be there for you and give you advice not be trying to get a rise out of you.

Did You Relate To Any Of The Signs?

So, that is all the major signs to tell if someone is out to get your partner and who is out to ruin your relationship.

At the end of the day, without signs or not. You should always trust your gut, the feeling that is just rushing through your whole body, the feeling of unease whenever this person is around. This is whats truly going to help you at the end and what is truly going to answer that question of yours which is “is this person really trying to ruin my relationship?”

But as time goes and if the signs of this person being shady just get worse and worse and they keep doing things that don’t seem right to you. Pay attention. Get rid of this person as fast as you can. But if people still don’t believe you just sit back and watch her expose their true colors and one day everyone is going to say that you were right.

If you trust that your partner is completely loyal to you and only wants you then there’s no need to act crazy which is the side the antagonist wants your partner to see. You know what ever this person does will not make your partner want them so just let them make a fool out of themselves.

As for the antagonist, KARMA IS A B*TCH! So just sit back and watch their plan just completely unfold.

But if ever they step over the line. Do what you gotta do and that’s all I’m saying.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post and found it helpful. I have many more signs that I can share with you all if you enjoy these!


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